You can request our Return & Refund
iFlight offers a (14) days return policy on all and new
unopened equipment, starting from the date the product(s)
was delivered to the customer. Anything beyond (14) days of
delivery will not be eligible for return. If the product(s)
received has been opened, used or damaged, no return options
will be offered. If the item is in brand new condition, but
requires to be repackaged, a (%15) restocking fee will be
applied. You are responsible for shipping costs, customs
duties, taxes, customs clearance, and other costs incurred
when sending unwanted product(s) for a return to China. (It
is recommended to choose a method with tracking).
Return & Refund Service will not be provided
× Crashes or fire damage caused by non-manufacturing factors,
including but not limited, to pilot errors.
× Water damage or other damages caused by improper
installation, incorrect use,or operation not in accordance
with official instructions or manuals.
× Damage caused by a non-authorized service provider.
× Damage caused by unauthorized modification of circuits and
mismatch or misuse of the battery and charger.
× Damage caused by operation in bad weather (i.e. strong
winds, rain, snow, sand/dust storms, etc.)
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment
with electromagnetic interference (i.e. in mining areas or
close to radio transmission towers, high-voltage wires,
substations, etc.).
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment
suffering from interference from other wireless devices
(i.e. transmitter, video-downlink, Wi-Fi signals, etc.).
× Damage caused by a crashes when components have aged or
been damaged.
× Damage caused by operating the unit with a low charge or
defective battery of any form.
× Damage resulting from any non-iFlight technical or other
support (online community for example), such as assistance
with “how-to” questions and or inaccurate product set-up and
× iFlight is not responsible for issues involving 3rd party
products and warranty. For example with issues involving
Caddx and DJI, the customer must get warranty support
directly from the 3rd party compan.
× The product thickness or the size of the hole is within the standard manufacturing tolerance range. (Due to manufacturing processes, the thickness and size of the hole of some products may have a standard manufacturing tolerance. Please refer to the data in the product link for specific ranges.)